
Tijs Vandenbroucke (BE)

During the late 90s, Tijs Vandenbroucke was involved in the organisation of several Ghent-based party concepts – Rendez-Fou was one of the best-known at that time. Shortly afterwards he got to know Mathias Kerckhof, the founder of Kozzmozz and to whom he would supply bar crew at every one of his parties. At a certain moment Mathias and Tijs joined forces, resulting in the foundation of Nasty Mondays. Over the years, more concepts were added to their resumé: a wide range of concepts and events with different music styles, from techno to urban, and rock ’n’ roll to drum ’n’ bass. Nowadays Tijs is CEO at Nasty Mondays, CEO at Magique Belgique, co-owner at The Resistance, COO at The Ark and Managing Partner at First In Line (staffing company).
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