
Sir Spyro (GB)

As a grime DJ, selector and digger for new sounds, Spyro’s reputation is unrivaled. Mention his name to any grime head, and you’ll be met with a nod of respect. His shows and DJ sets are instrumental in bringing newer producers to wider attention, as well as showcasing new music from established names within the scene. He’s impressively modest about his role and influence, however, explaining that if he hadn’t been invited to join the Rinse FM roster in 2005, “I’d probably be walking home from my 9 to 5 now! It wouldn’t have worked if I didn’t get on Rinse. It’s that simple. I’m so grateful to still be here.” Rinse was a huge influence on Spyro when he was younger, and he was a regular listener to early shows by the likes of Terror Danjah and Slimzee. So when his name was beginning to become known, he says, “I took every opportunity I could, just to get known and heard, because Rinse was a big thing, everyone used to listen to Rinse – you had Ruff Sqwad, Roll Deep, Nasty Crew… To get out there, this was the king.” In terms of his approach to finding new music for his show, he says, “I’m a hunter, I hunt down tunes, anything I hear that’s sick, I need it. I’ve got at least 3 tunes in my bag right now where I’ve heard them [in a club], I’ve walked up to the DJ – I don’t know who they are but they somehow know who I am – and I’ve said ‘This tune is sick, who made it?’ And they’re like ‘Me.’ I’m like ‘I’m Spyro’, and they’re like ‘I know,’” he grins. “And I’ll go ‘You need to give me your email, I need this tune!'”
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