
Raphael Levy (FR)

Speaker (ROVR)

After graduating from college with a business and marketing degree, Raphael worked for several years at one of France’s leading movie and TV production and broadcasting groups.

In 2009, he opened his own independent production company and invested in several projects focused on calling attention to the most promising up-and-coming filmmakers and visual artists of their generation. In 2014, he moved to Tel Aviv, where he began to work as an independent consultant and business angel in the hospitality, entertainment, and real estate industries.

As a lifelong music lover, he co-founded ROVR in 2021. ROVR is a new platform specializing in mindful, reliable music curation and recommendation. It is designed to solve content overload and music discoverability challenges on today's major streaming platforms, providing a reliable and trustworthy source for music enthusiasts.

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