
Sergej Kreso ()

Speaker (Director)

Born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sergej Kreso studied journalism at the University of Political Science. In addition to his film work, Kreso is also a musician. He was part of several bands in Sarajevo, especially in the ‘New Primitives’ movement, an artistic movement with well-known names such as ‘The No Smoking Orchestra’ and ‘Elvis J. Kurtovic’. During the war in 1993 he fled to the Netherlands, where he continued his career as a filmmaker, journalist and musician

After his documentary trilogy about the war in 2011, he made Kaffeefahrt ins Krematorium. A film about crematorium tourism between Germany and the Netherlands. This film marked a new phase in Kreso’s work, reflecting on his personal fascination with identity and adaptability. These themes were explored in films such as Vraem Luuj, about the power of language as a formative factor in the acquisition of a new identity; Asylum seekers, in which young refugees are followed who are nostalgic about their youth in the asylum seekers’ centers, and MijnstreekComplex, in which the mining history of a city stills seems to have a major influence on its young inhabitants.

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