Pierre-Marie Oullion (FR)
After a master degree in anthropology and cultural field at university Lyon II, Pierre-Marie Oullion took part in the beginning of Nuits sonores festival in 2003.
Since this moment he became a member of Arty Farty (the company behind the festival) and stay attached to this incredible story. He has started as artistic programmer of the whole numeric art program of this shinning event in France and after a bunch of years he became the artistic director of the company in 2014. As a main member of the team he has also build the artistic management and booking side of the company with renown artist such as Laurent Garnier, Todd Terje or Pantha Du Prince. He also contributes at the born and raised of « Le Sucre » one of the european major club. Nowadays he has been really engage into subject like queer representation in electronic music field or oceans and seas as musical territories of exchange, mutation and innovation.
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