


MKL is Mary Kathryn Labbie, a 23 year old singer / songwriter of French
Creole descent from south Louisiana. She began singing at an early age in
church choirs and declared to her mom and dad that she would one day
make her living singing and writing songs. Fast forward to now and MKL is
on the verge of releasing her debut single and EP, “You & Me”, produced by
acclaimed Afro house tastemaker Ezel, coming September 6, 2024 on his
Bayacou Records imprint.

MKL’s story is punctuated by one divine sign after the other. “It’s been
crazy. That’s why I know this is meant to be.” After a few years of
performing regional gigs, she had an idea to record a soulful dance cover
of the Luther Vandross classic “Never Too Much” and went to her now
manager with the idea, who reached out to his friend Ultra Naté, one of the
best-selling dance artists of all time (Billboard). Naté suggested esteemed
music producer and DJ, Victor Font (Mr. V), owner of Sole Channel music,
for the project. MKL sent him a video of her singing the song over a beat
she had found online and he was blown away. The two began working
remotely, engaging the likes of master keyboardist Albert Menendez
(Shakira, Louie Vega) and sound engineer Joey “808” Fernandez (2 X
Grammy Award winner). The result may tip the hat to the original but is
pure MKL, who with the skilled production of Mr. V, delivers a modern day
soulful classic for today’s dance floor. There are no current plans to
release “Never Too Much” but the project will hopefully see the light of day
in 2025.

Memorial Day weekend of 2024 would forever change MKL’s course when
she attended the Movement Festival in Detroit to meet their team in person.
A meeting with Ultra Naté resulted in an invitation for MKL to perform at
ADE (Amsterdam Dance Event) for a music showcase for Radio France in
October. “This changed everything,” says MKL, “because we weren’t ready
to release “Never Too Much”. On one hand I have this amazing opportunity
extended to me and on the other hand, it was like, what am I going to
perform? I could perform ‘NTM’ but what would be the point? Other than
exposure.” The good news is that new music was already in the works.
Mr. V had introduced MKL to Ezel, a highly respected producer, multi-
instrumentalist and label owner (Bayacou Records) known for his deeply
soulful, Afro house grooves. They had already started collaborating on two
original songs, with MKL recording and producing the vocals in Louisiana
and Ezel creating his magic at his studio in the Dominican Republic. Ezel
assured MKL that he could release “You & Me” through his Bayacou label
in time for the Amsterdam event. But much would have to be done in a
short amount of time. First on deck was to finish the music followed by the
monumental task of putting all the moving parts in place for the official
release date of September 6, 2024.

With a voice that is both confident and soulfully sultry, MKL is making the
songs she wants to make with a sharp focus on building a repertoire that
bridges R&B, pop and dance. “R&B has always been my first love but I love
dance music and the people I’ve met in the dance music industry. Everyone
has been so loving, welcoming and accepting so I’m really excited to be
here, releasing these songs,” she says while taking a break from putting
the finishing touches on the vocals for ‘333’, the second song on the ‘YOU
& ME” EP, also penned by MKL and produced by Ezel. “All the styles I love
will come together on my first album, which I’m working on now.”
“This last year has been so cathartic for me, one that left me both
vulnerable and resilient. Going through it, the highs and the lows, things
ending and beginning, I noticed it just started to spill out in my writing.
That’s why ‘You & Me” and “333” are so close to my heart.”

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