Mitch Crown (NL)
As a quick background, MC Crown was born in Curacao in 1974. Raised in a family of musicians, his father was a famous bass player back in the days in a band called “The Crowns”. One could say that the circle is now complete!
His uncle was the lead singer in the band. His mother played the keys and organs, other uncles played guitar, drums and sang backing vocals. The musical vibe that was present in his family from such an early age inspired him to take music seriously. At six years old his mother gave him a piano for his birthday and he fine-tuned his skills with piano lessons. Amazingly, Crown still has the very same piano and many songs were written on this instrument! After 10 years of intense training, Crown is proud to call himself a true pianist. With his Caribbean background and jazz educated style he can make almost any kind of tune with skill, soul and true quality.
Fast forward to the present day and it’s clear the skills learnt at an early age have paid off. After relocating to Holland, Crown began experimenting with his voice, and also, crucially, found a real talent for producing projects for others.
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