
Mischa Coster (NL)

Mischa Coster MA MSc is a consultant, researcher and public speaker in the area of mediapsychology and persuasion. "I change how people see things" is his personal slogan. He does this by applying evidence-based and theory-inspired psychological tactics. Mischa comes highly recommended by dr. Robert Cialdini, thé international expert-scientist in consumer psychology and persuasion. Mischa has been consulting for clients as an independent media psychologist (he holds two masters degrees; one in Psychology and one in European Multimedia) for over 15 years. His strong knowledge of psychological persuasion techniques, choice architecture and online (social) marketing and communication, combined with a broad experience in business consulting, make him a valued allround international public speaker and consultant on the subject. Not afraid to go in-depth or off-topic, always interactive with a strong focus on content, presentation and adding value for the audience or client. As founder and director of consulting at Grey Matters, Mischa loves to work on multidisciplinary behavior change projects, putting focus on applied psychology. "Insight, Intervention, Inspiration" is what Grey Matters offers. Clients include various profit (T-Mobile, Rabobank, SNSREAAL, rockstart, Capgemini, Tribal, Mirabeau, Samsung, Linkedin, RTL, Rotterdam The Hague Airport eg), government (CAK, nearly all ministries) and nonprofit (NIMA, NISB, GGD eg) organizations. Mischa is also co-founder of TEDxUtrecht, Social Media Club Utrecht and expert member of the Brand Boardroom.
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