
Mike Spinner (NL)

Mike Spinner was born somewhere in the last century. At the age of 10, he got intoxicated by the virus called house music. He was curious and handy, and started disassembling a record player to control the speed. A tape deck ensured him of his first transition of two songs. Two years later he got a side run after school to afford better equipment. He bought two snare driven record players with pitch control and a friend donated an old mixer. Many nights in his attic room were to follow… At the age of 16 Mike had the opportunity to play a set at his high school farewell party. The style? His beloved hardcore house. In the following years, he developes a passion for the software melodic house. UK Hardstyle, hardtrance and hardstyle were upcoming styles in The Netherlands at that time. Highlight during those days was playing a set in front of 3000 people at a Q-dance party in Zaandam. However, his motivation to pursue a DJ career diminished and Mike focussed on work and another hobby: playing pool. It took almost 10 years to recapture the passion for the music. The talent was still there and now, Mike Spinner is going all the way in trance. Mike signed a contract and his first release is due in July 2013. Come along for the ride…
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