
Meegan Jones (AU)

Speaker (GreenShoot Pacific, Institute for Sustainable Events)

Meegan Jones is an industry leader in event sustainability globally, focussing her efforts on using the power of events for positive action while also ensuring that events themselves are produced sustainably.

Her early work includes sustainability and music festivals in Australia and the UK (Glastonbury, Reading, Leeds and Latitude Festivals).

Meegan developed the early sustainability strategy for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. Over the past seven years she led the sustainability programme for The Ocean Race.

Meegan wrote book Sustainable Event Management: A Practical Guide in 2008, and the fourth edition will be released in early 2025. The book is sought by students and professionals as the industry bible (greeneventbook.com). In 2022 she published the industry’s first methodology for measuring the plastic footprint of events. She is co-chair of the Carbon Accounting Alliance events working group.

She has an online training academy in event sustainability, the Institute of Sustainable Events (www.ise.world).

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