
Kurley (NL)

Kurley is a selector with many tastes: Italian deep house, Chicago house, electro, and broken beat are just some of the styles you'll find in his crates. The search for records never stops and anything goes, as long as it's unique, warm, rhythmic, and.. He made a name for himself through his illegal Houselijk parties in the woods between his hometown and Amsterdam. This would soon become his new home base, but not before he continued shaping his unique musical identity through appearances at Haarlem’s famous venues Patronaat, De Lichtfabriek, Club Stalker, and at the famous Woodstock 69 beach venue. Then, in 2016, Kurley won the TWSTd DJ-contest, providing him with a much-deserved boost. Not long after this, you could find him in Amsterdam's prime venues such as Radion, AIR, Chicago Social Club, Studio /K, and Claire. Kurley is a selector with many tastes: Italian deep house, Chicago house, electro, and broken beat are just some of the styles you'll find in his crates. The search for new records never stops and anything goes, as long as it's unique, warm, rhythmic, and raw. This ethos is also ever-present in his studio work, which is just one of many reasons to keep an eye on him; he is steadily cooking up the finest grooves, and he's ready to share with them with you all. Next to setting dancefloors (and his own studio) on fire, Kurley is also a co-founder and resident of the Amsterdam-based Late Night Burners collective.
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