Kryoman (GB)
As ‘rave’ began to rise like a phoenix from the underground, so too did Kryoman. Year after year, the man and the machine continued to evolve in a nearly streamlined path with dance music. After all, this was what spawned him in the first place. Dark nights in warehouses with a then ‘secret society’, whose only purpose was to hear pumping rhythms that were unknown and unheard outside the walls of this temporary musical sanctuary. A rave was a magical place and Kryoman became synonymous with the experience. At the core if his being, Kryoman is the very essence of electronic. A total and complete cerebral and emotional takeover, culminating in a synergistic explosion of aural and visual madness. The robot, as he has come to be known, takes revelers to a whole new realm of reality. He is the energy and the link that ties the artist with the audience, because, when the robot engages, he is channeling both.
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