
Kosh (MA)

After more than 10 years experimenting in the studio, Kosh is one of the few upcoming Moroccan artists to keep an eye on. Born and raised in Casablanca, it’s during his years in the U.S. that his interest in early acid tracks and Detroit electro truly matured. His involvement with the Orlando house and techno scene allowed him to further his passion for the American sound and sharpen his skills behind the decks. Whether playing DJ sets or performing live, Kosh knows how to subtly jump through different genres. Versatility is in fact often said to be his trademark. His music delicately blends nasty acid basslines, frenetic breaks and electro beats, as well as warm infused pads and fast-paced techno. After moving back to Casablanca in 2016, Kosh has been actively involved with the label Casa Voyager that he co-founded with his long-time friends and music partners Driss Bennis (aka OCB) and Jonas Bengio (aka Viewtiful Joe)
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