
Justin Katz (US)

Speaker (Burning Man)

Justin’s experience with Burning Man began in 1998, when his costumed, cosmic rock band first embarked on a trip to Black Rock City in a futile attempt to be the strangest thing on the playa. In the years since he has participated as an artist, performer, mutant vehicle creator, theme camp organizer, playa-parent, and, since late 2016, a full time Community Events organizer and an Executive Producer of Burning Man Project’s year-round, global programming. His current projects include leadership of Kindling, a new portal for live, participatory, virtual events that are connected to the principles and values of Burning Man culture. He is also the founder and producer of San Francisco’s iconic underground event, The Edwardian Ball, and spent nearly a decade as the Northern California Director of Production for Goldenvoice and AEG Live, producing events and stages in theatres, arenas, and festivals including Coachella and Panorama NYC.

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