
Invite (NL)

When given carte blanche and an extended timeslot, something he much prefers, Invite is able to move a crowd like few others can. His career has seen him perform at numerous events including Planet Rose, Imprint, and Awakenings, festivals such as Awakefest, Free Your Mind and venues like Tresor, Trouw, About Blank, Paradiso and Doornroosje, on multiple occasions alongside the likes of Surgeon, Dave Clarke, Ben Sims and Jeff Mills. Invite’s reach doesn’t stop at the border however; he has played in Germany, England, Croatia, Scotland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Austria, Estonia, France and Belgium and is looking forward to a lot more traveling. Early 2011 has also marked the launch of his own podcast series, dubbed Invite’s Choice. Aiming to provide international techno artists a platform to think 100% out of the box and record a set without any musical limitations, it’s quickly become one of the best weekly podcasts out there.
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