
Green Velvet (US)

The Relief label also gave birth to the experimental and eccentric, afro wig-wearing entity we know as Green Velvet - a Cajmere alter ego. Green Velvet produced the first release on the Relief label, "Preacher Man." He followed up the debut release with "Flash" and "The Stalker", both of which brought about unexpected praise and worldwide recognition. In 1997, Green Velvet's attempt to combine 80s electronic funk with Chicago's cult of a perfect track led to his creation, "Answering Machine" - with the more humorous but rather contagious hook - "I don't need this shit!" For 1999 Green Velvet has crafted "Constant Chaos", an electronic trip over a lyrical landscape or as Green Velvet muses in a recent Muzik interview, "I guess it's sorta like folk music for the rave scene."
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