
Giorgi Kikonishvili (GE)

Artist & Speaker (Bassiani)

Born and raised in the Post-Soviet Georgia, Giorgi Kikonishvili is one of Georgia’s first outspoken Gay activists, human rights defender and promoter. Starting as music journalist in one of the first Georgian music magazine Ozone, he later moved on to Liberali magazine, writing about then-tabooed subjects such as LGBT rights, homophobia and many other social and cultural issues which were subject of loud discussions in usually conservative Georgia, later bringing those discussions to mainstream TV media. He’s the co-founder of Georgia’s two biggest LGBT rights organisations: Identoba and Equality Movement, member of White Noise Movement - for liberating Georgia’s extremely strict drug policy. Right now he’s the founding member of Muzame - a project bringing DIY / Queer musicians to Tbilisi. Promoter of Horoom Nights - the first and biggest LGBT/Queer party series in Georgia which takes place at underground techno club BASSIANI.

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