
Fernando Halman (NL)

'In addition to being an authority, Fernando Halman, has increasingly become the face of the urban scene.' Gijsbert Kamer, pop journalist of Dutch magazine ‘De Volkskrant’ and chairman of the jury ‘Pop Media Prijs 2015’ He combines his passion for music and talking five days a week as DJ of the morning show Start on radio channel FunX. As voice-over of Zapp, he tells children all across the Netherlands what shows they are about to watch. He effortlessly excites the audience of an event and he doesn’t shy away from interviews with major international stars. With his voice as his instrument, Fernando Halman has been proving for years that he is a Jack-of-all-trades. When, after high school he decided to go for a career in the music and entertainment industry instead of attending Law school, his Aruban mother wasn’t all too happy. Still, she was the one who eventually encouraged him to take that path. Today, Fernando Halman is a well-known name, or rather a well-known voice in the Netherlands.
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