
Farrago (BE)

Techno producer with a resonant body and soul Farrago surfaces as a new name on the Belgian techno scene albeit with a familiar face. In 2013 Sam Deliaert formerly known as Talbot Wood was picked up by compatriots Jorn and Tom - from Other Heights and Curle Recordings respectively - under who's flag he played multiple showcases and live shows across Europe throughout '13 & '14. The name change is motivated by the meaning of the word itself. Farrago, literally 'a perplexing mixture', is the alignment and legacy of his earlier work merged with new ideas and recent development. Arpeggiated melodies reverberating endlessly to the point where they are deemed tangible driven by the resonating sound of a classic 4/4 kickdrum. It's the perfect marriage between body and soul. For now, preparing a live performance built around the Octatrack - the beating heart of the setup - is his main priority. Meanwhile though, some of the more captivating patterns and synthesis from his other Elektron unit, the Analog Four, have already found their way through a recording device. This preceded a connection with ARTS, a young but already quite established Berlin based techno label, home to the likes of Dax J, Keith Carnal, Inigo Kennedy, Shlømo and il capitano: Emmanuel.
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