
DJ Punish (NL)

DJ Punish is born and raised in Sneek (Friesland). At the age of 21 Punish started to get interested in producing music and he also started to spin tracks in many famouse clubs like Club Noa, The Dance Factory, Alcatraz and Ludiek. After his first successful official remix of the track: Meet here at Baltimore (2009) the career of Punish started to rise like a rocket and many artists like: David Guetta, DJ Chuckie, The Partysquad, Alvaro, Diplo, Major Lazor and Real el Canario started to spin his tracks. These days Punish is one of most talented artists in the Dutch house scene and produces tracks with/for: David Guetta, Diplo, Chuckie, Alvaro, The Partysquad and last but not least Lil Wayne.
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