


DJ MEMFIS 🇺🇦 known as Marat Ragimov Unique symbiosis of ballet dancer and DJ Started as a classical ballet soloist at National Opera of Ukraine, spreading art towards DJing as a mutual music lover.

"His Djing talent was recognized by the main Kyiv’s night clubs, such as

Sky Bar, Apartment 54, H-Bar( by Hilton), Razzle Dazzle, PurPur, as

well as a resident artist of famous ukrainian events"

KLUCH (“KEY”) events

Kiss Fm UA

Performing worldwide at the night club

Undrgrnd_Amsterdam NL

Heaven in Sydney,

Australia, at the music bar BJMauce and on Radio Tonka in Den Haag, Netherlands and BATO Amsterdam


went farther through his performing experience, being invited as a main

DJ to play live with a symphonic orchestra and ballet"

Projects @tessno_ and B•e•o•m

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