Delete (AU)
Delete is an Australian Hardstyle Producer/DJ who has been involved in the scene since its inception early in this millennium. Flying under the radar for most of that time he has all targets locked on and is rapidly infiltrating the minds of hardstyle fans across the globe. With an unhealthy obsession for the grinding, more rough and tough sound, his take on hardstyle leaves most banging their heads on the closest hard surface.
Delete focuses on creating hardstyle with attitude and is well known for his hard-hitting, yet raw productions. Even though he steers clear of creating the stale commercial sound, he has gained support from many big names and is growing in presence with each release.
Delete has joined Theracords in 2013 and is set for a big future with the label. Delete also plays an important role behind the scenes for Spoontech Records along with founder and good friend Vazard.
So open your mind to a new take on hardstyle, combining elements from the past, present and the future.. The lines have been blurred.. Your perception of music is about to be deleted!
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