
Daniel Cross (GB)

Founder and CEO of Record-Play. Having studied marketing at university and beginning working at a music publishers, following several years working in music sourcing, licensing and clearance Daniel saw a gap in representing independent labels music for advertising and synchronisation, non exclusively and Record-Play was born. Skip forward 10 years and Record-Play has offices in 3 countries, employs 12 staff and supports clients in all areas of music licensing and clearance, as well as soundtrack supervision, use of music in marketing and general music and brand strategy. In 2016 Record-Play launched its global A+R Network, MusicMap, unearthing new talent and active in 40 countries. Daniel is also employed as adidas’ global music manager, other clients include Google, Reebok, Sony, Powerade, Virgin, Tommy Hilfiger, Atomic Skis and Moritz beer.
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