Dangermami (NL)


Lilia is the founder and general manager of DJ mentorship programme Femme Bass Mafia.
Having studied Cultural Management and Art Trade at ICART Paris, she moved to Berlin in
2015 and initially worked in booking & PR agencies as well as in Artist Relations at Beatport,
before taking a position at RSO Berlin in 2022, where she’s a booker & partnerships manager.

In early 2020 she acquired some old DJ equipment and set about teaching herself to mix.
Feeling disillusioned at the lack of options for women and non-binary people to learn to DJ in a
supportive environment, she decided to simultaneously found a mentorship program to address
that exact issue. Femme Bass Mafia was born. Initially funding and organising the project
herself, she gathered a talented group of inspiring femme DJs and started the first classes.
Eventually she secured funding from MusicBoard Berlin and the support of other organisations
like Refuge Worldwide or HÖR. This has allowed FBM to grow into a comprehensive
educational programme which guides prospective artists through the whole process of starting
their career, from organising their music collection to maintaining a clear head on social media.
Additionally, FBM is a supportive community and project which also organises events and
connects bookers with DJs.

As Dangermami, she’s known for her fierce drum breaks, bass heavy club bouncers and
140-160 BPM madness, the budding selector has already been gaining notoriety as a force to
be reckoned with (by bookers and would-be haters alike). Not only gigs for HÖR, Melt! Festival,
Boudica & clubs around Europe where she shared lineups with Hodge, Madam X, or Sicaria
Sound, but also both of her residencies at Refuge Worldwide & RSO Berlin with her FBM crew
have served to solidify this reputation.

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