
Chiara Michieletto (GB)

Chiara Michieletto is Digital Marketing Manager at Music Ally. In her role, she works closely with and advises various companies in the music industry, through which she has been helping to promote artists such as Cigarettes After Sex, Kevin Saunderson, Archie Hamilton, Enzo Siragusa, Francesca Lombardo, and Ultravox amongst many others. She is a regular contributor to the Music Ally Sandbox Reports where she writes about the latest digital marketing tools and services and has also carried out various training sessions and workshops for clients including Beggars Group, Anjunabeats, AEI Media, Universal Music and Havas. She regularly gives workshops and masterclasses at various universities in the UK as well as conferences around the world such as Sandbox Summit in NYC and London, Tokyo Dance Music Event, Midem and others.
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