
Casper Garrels (NL)

["Casper Garrels has been working for over two decades in the event industry. Started on the event working grounds, developed himself as co-owner and operations director of an event production company, but still has a hands on mentality. In between businesses he graduated on the subject of mobility around large scale events and he hold a MSc in Logistics. \n\nCasper developed several sustainability initiatives with multiple partners as a producer and entrepreneur. He has a strong feeling for combining being cost effective with doing the right thing. \nThis year Casper founded Vandaag-nog","English translation: Today is the Day","Technical and logistic producers for large-scale events. Which is a full-service event company and provide all the aspects of building an event. This ranges from creating a concept to the actual on site production and taking care of for example the technical production of stages, crowd management, project handling on site and mobility."]
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