
Avaro (DE)

Avaro, what a young, creative and smart musician. The love for the „groove“ came out of his family. His father was a very talented drumer so Avaro decided very early to work a lot on drumbased tracks and sounds. After years spending his time in the studio working on this own style… his talent really pays off. Together with Micha Moor he released his very first smash-hit „Kwango“ on Staar Traxx which is the imprint of the one and only Tom Staar. The Track got great support from every Top-DJ in the world and got played on Ultra Miami or Tomorrowland just to name a view. Since that day the follow ups like „Stars“ and „Love of my life“ on Tiger Rec. or WePLAY with his buddy Max Lean made his career even faster! So be prepared and keep an eye on this young producer-guy.
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