
Andrew Dubber (GB)

Andrew Dubber is the director of Music Tech Fest, an advisor to Bandcamp, Stromatolite and Sonaris and is the founder of New Music Strategies, a pan-European digital music strategy think tank and consultancy group. He is the author of Music In The Digital Age (2012), Radio in the Digital Age (2013), Understanding the Music Industries (2012), The 20 Things You Must Know About Music Online (2007), and is the editor of The 360 Deal (2013), which features the advice of 360 top music business professionals for young people just starting out in the music industries. Dubber is Professor of Music Industry Innovation at Birmingham City University where he runs an MA in Music Industries, supervises PhD projects in music, media and culture and leads research projects within the Interactive Cultures unit at the Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research (BCMCR). His research interests include digital media cultures, media and music innovation, online music enterprise, radio in the digital age, music as a tool for social change, and music as culture.
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