
Yør Kultura (NL)

Yør Kultura is a project of Danny Odenkirchen, Raymon den Hartogh and Kris van Aalst. The last few years, while traveling the world, we got inspired by the diversity of music the world has to offer. During our trips locals introduced various music and the stories behind the music. We combine the global feeling and global music in the project Yør Kultura. Melting cultures, melting people. With our music we want to take people on a journey without a passport. We perform as a DJ-duo as well as a 3 person live electronic act. Their remixes and edits were played at festivals such as Burning Man, Fusion Festival, Garbicz Festival, Amsterdam Open Air, Where the Sheep Sleep and Goulash Disko. It's been supported amongst artists like Acid Pauli, Goldcap, Sabo, Timujin, Unders, Martha van Straaten, Crussen, Peter Power and Nicola Cruz
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