Temple Rat (CN)
& Speaker
Temple Rat (CN)
May, grew up in Chengdu, began to learn Chinese folk music instrument - Erhu when she was 9 years old. Inspired by her passion for electronic music, She started to explore the combination of traditional Chinese folk music with electronic music. Where a new unique Chinese element is beautifully blended in her sound-trucks, She tried out in Chengdu underground scenes first, and was discovered by many producers, which led to many invitations to perform in Shanghai, Xinjiang, Kunming, Suzhou, During this time, people from other cultures started to recognize this creative artist, She was then invited to perform in France(Château Perché Festival).
May is constantly polishing her skills to express her peculiar interpretation of Erhu and electronic music. She founded the brand “Temple Rat” in 2016 and played Erhu lively, Since then she and her music became unstoppable in numerous music scenes. The combination of strong eastern 44 frequency, nature, ancient rhyme and industrial rhythm has formed a unprecedented “MAY style”.
自幼学习中国民乐乐器二胡,受到中国传统古典民乐的影响的May,从2014年开始深入地下电子音乐行列,长期驻扎成都各大地下俱乐部的试水为她带来了从DJ到音乐制作人的身份转变。热衷将中国民乐与电子乐结合一直是她对于音乐制作的灵感来源与无限动力。2015年与澳大利亚新秀音乐人Kaiser组成Temple Rats,完全相反的文化地域生长环境,也为他们的音乐创作带来了灵感的火花,古老的东方韵律,在其发布的单曲“竹林胡生”中更是体现的淋漓尽致.她心中对于电子乐不同寻常的独特见解与创新,都在她的音乐中进行了完美的诠释与表达。2017年她开始对音乐的新探索,May开始独立经营Temple Rat.再受邀于法国Château Perché Festival后,让更多的人认识到了这个亚洲面孔的女生,在她的音乐维度里最能够感受得到的是强有力的44频率,同时她擅长结合来自大自然的声音,宗教的元素以及很多耳目一新的声音,能把更多不同的好音乐带给大家是May最想通过音乐所传递的理念。
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