
Fedde Le Grand (NL)

Artist & Speaker
Enjoying artistic freedom afforded only an elite few, Fedde Le Grand is a strong-willed pioneer of electronica, considered by countless fans and artists as one of the single most defining figures in house music. Whether as DJ or producer, Fedde’s influence can be felt throughout the electronic landscape; his creative beats, grooves, melodies, and rhythms surround us. Not only indulging in his perfectionist musical tendencies, but Fedde also nurtures new talent through his Flamingo imprint, using his years of hard-earned experience to push them towards superstardom. Nicky Romero, Deniz Koyu, and Danny Avila are just some of the fledging talents that Fedde has already helped explode into the mainstream. Outside of the studio and around the globe hundreds of thousands have witnessed show-stopping live sets that explode with ingenuity and originality. Tremendous performances across continents are par for the course for Le Grand, with the likes of Coachella, Exit Festival, Global Gathering, Electric Zoo, Mysteryland, Tomorrowland, Electric Daisy Carnival, Future Music and many more firmly under his belt. Yet through all the success – the international chart-topping heights and global DJ fame – Fedde’s focus is fixed on making and playing great tracks. His dedication to music and his unwavering passion for the dancefloor continue to make him an intrinsic and dominant part of the ever-evolving electronic scene. A touchstone, an inspiration, and a pioneer; he is definitive, he is essential, he is house music at its finest. He is Fedde Le Grand.
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